
To All Whom These Presents may concern,

Greeting:  Whereas, Sundry Brethren residing within this Masonic Grand Jurisdiction, To wit;  William B. Coombe, Samuel M. Smith, Harry J. Smith, Reuben T. MacLean, Theodore E. Bissell, Rollin H. Thoenen, Thomas V. Case, Eusebe F. Raymond, M.F. Branch, and Archie D. McIntyre, have presented to me, The Grand Master of Masons for the State of Michigan, a petition, in which the brethren, neamed as aforesaid, declare: That they have procured a suitable room, with convenient ante-rooms, for the practice of Masonic Rites; and that the material in their proposed jurisdiction is sufficient to sustain a healthy and reputable Lodge; for these and for other good reasons, praying for a Dispensation empowering them to assemble as a Lodge, and to practice the rights and duties of Masonry in the several degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow-Craft and Master Mason, in a regular and lawful manner, according to the ancient forms of the Fraternity, and the Regulations of this Grand Lodge, to which they promise a strict obedience and conformity; And Whereas, the said petition is accompanied by the properly attested certificates of the Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Brethren of Marquette Lodge No. 101, of Lakeside Lodge No. 371, and of Gladstone Lodge No. 396, (the three Lodges of this Grand Jurisdiction, nearest the place at which the proposed new Lodge is to be holden), vouching for the truth of the statements contained in the petition aforesaid, and recommending that the prayer of the petitions be granted; and, is also accompanied, by a certificate from William W. Osbaud, W.M. Marquette Lodge No. 101, that the Brothers named, in the petition aforesaid, for Master and Wardens, are qualified to open and close a Lodge, and to confer the three degrees of Anceint Craft Masonry:

Therefore, I, James Bradley Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Michigan, by virtue of the authority in me vested by the Grand Lodge aforesaid, do hereby grant this dispensation, authorizing and empowering our trusty and well beloved brethren aforesaid, to form and open a Lodge in the village of Munising in the County of Alger and the State of Michigan, to be called Grand Island Lodge, and therein to admit and make Entered Apprentices, Fellow Crafts, and Master Masons, in accordance with the ancient usages and customs of the Fraternity, and requiring them to obey in all things, the constitution, laws and edicts of this Grand Lodge.

And I do hereby appoint our worthy brother William B. Coombe to be the First Master, Brother Theodore E. Bissell to be the First Senior Warden, and Brother Reuben T. McLean to be the First Junior Warden, of said Lodge.  And at least ten days befoe the next annual communication of this Grand Lodge, It shall be their duty, and they are hereby required to forward to the Grand Secretary of this Grand Lodge, This Dispensation, and their Lodge Records, containing a copy of this Dispensation, and a correct report of all work done and proceedings had under the authority hereby conferred, together with an attested copy of the By-Laws, for examination, and for such further action thereon, by the Grand Lodge, as shall be, by it, deemed wise and proper.  This Dispensation to continue in full force until the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge aforesaid, unless sooner revoked.  In testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and cause the Seal of the Grand Lodge to be affixed, at Coldwater on this Thirteenth day of April A.D. 1898, A.L. 5898


James Bradley, Grand Master

Jefferson S. Conover, Grand Secretary


On the evening of the First Regular Communication of Grand Island Lodge, U.D. (Under Dispensation) The First Master of Grand Island Lodge, William B. Coombe temporarily appointed Harry J. Smith, Treasurer; Archie D. McIntyre, Secretary; Rollin H. Thoenen, Senior Deacon; Eusebe F. Raymond, Junior Deacon; and M.F. Branch, Tyler.  W.M. then took his station, and opened the lodge in regular masonic form on the third degree of Masonry.  Permanent appointment of the previouly Temporary officers then took place.

It was moved and unanimously resolved to hold the regular communications of Grand Island Lodge, U.D. on the First Friday of each month at 7:00 O'clock P.M.  The Fees for Degree work were set at 40.00 Dollars, 25.00 which must accompany the petition, and "10.00 dollars for each succeeding degree [sic]." Lodge was then closed in due form.


April 30, 1923 on the occasion of the lodges 25th anniversary, a special communication was held with 62 Members and Visitors present.  Toastmaster was W.M. Harry S. Elliot, with remarks from T.E. Bissell, charter member; R.C. Young, first candidate of the Lodge; Louis H. fead, Past Grand Master.  P.G.M. Fead spoke on "The Trial of Christ before Pilate from a lawyers standpoint."

Short talks were also heard from J.L Kennedy, G.S. Walton and R.C.G. Williams.

December 12, 1923 it was moved and carried to change the dues to an annual amount of $ 6.00


March 9, 1927, Bro. Alf Evenson gave a talk on the history of a Lodge apron which was presented to Grand Island Lodge by his wife, the Great Grand Daughter of Abraham Williams, who passed away on April 24, 1873, and was known to be the first mason in what is today, Alger County.


May 13, 1943 The Fellowship Chapter Order of the Demolay Exemplified the Degree after the Regular Lodge Communication, On the Following Boys:

Gordon Moote            Buddy Becker

Jack Luell              Robert Cowell

Deane Floria            Wm. Cox. Jr.

Gary Zastrow
